Friday, November 17, 2006

Election Results

This election uncovered a skilled political commentator lurking in our midst: Elijah Kelly. Just a bit over 5 feet, Elijah makes up in build what he lacks in height. Though he has been with HHH since its inception, his landscaping job prevents him from attending meetings, except on a rare rainy Wednesday.

We were fortunate that last week was one of those rare days. Though in his 50s , Elijah claims no "senior moments." Indeed, Elijah's genius is his memory. As we mulled over the local election results, Elijah could cite with eerie precision every conversation HHH had with officials. "Parks Helms thought he had lost. Do you remember when he met with us and said.........And Ruth Samuelson won a seat in the state house. Could you believe when she wrote a letter to us......." Mention of Jim Puckett's loss brought a bit of his glee, as Elijah recalled a remark Puckett made regarding the Street Soccer team that offended him, while Jennifer Roberts' win invoked his smile, for her support and personal kindness to homeless individuals.

It was commentary you could not find anywhere else in town. Elijah gave us the election through the lens of homelessness - not based on what officials said about the issue, but rather about how they interacted with a particular homeless community (HHH). Thanks for holding us to a higher standard of public integrity, Elijah.


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