First "Know Your Rights" Class a Hit!
We had a special HHH meeting last Wednesday - with two lawyers from the public defenders office training members of the homeless community on their basic civil rights. Much of the training focused on the difference between voluntary contact and reasonable suspicion. If you are voluntary contacted by the police, you do not have to participate. In fact, the lawyers left with us helpful cards reminded us of useful phrases like, "I choose not to participate in this voluntary contact" or "I do not consent to a stop, seizure or search of my person or belongings."
The meeting was intense at points, with a lot of focus on the perceived injustices around tailgating. On weekends, the more well to do seem to drink in uptown with no repercussions, while the homeless are frequently arrested for open container charges.
Member Virgil Norris had this to say about the meeting: “It was real, real good and very informative. I really liked the card and intend to use it.”
A big thanks to Tracey Hewett and Rhonda for their time and leadership in the seminar.
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