Thursday, March 08, 2007

HHH Members Lobby Officials in D.C.

The National Alliance to End Homeless flew members of HHH to D.C. for a chance to lobby congress. Beverly Cowan, Rob Weigle, and Tommy Yarborough represented the group. The lobby day focused on ELHSI, an initiative to get more funding for the "services" piece of permanent supportive housing. For more information on how you can support this vital legislation in ending homelessness, visit

See Tommy's thoughts on the trip below:

I enjoyed my trip to Washington D.C. My biggest joy was knowing that I am part of something very positive, and it’s not only helping me, but it could also help 100’s of thousands find homes and rebuild responsibility and self-worth.

On Wednesday, our group met with other advocates around the country to end homelessness at the hotel helix. There we were schooled on the importance of our congressmen to sing on to this $80 million bill that would not only provide homes for the homeless, but services to keep us in these homes.

Thursday, we discussed our ideas with our congressmen. I think we collaborated well in pushing our plans. There were 3 of us from Charlotte, 2 representing Durham, and 2 from Raleigh. We three from Charlotte had never worked with the other 4, and with only one day to prepare for something as important for so many people, I think we did a commendable job.


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