Friday, April 25, 2008

HHH Participates in Davidson Solidarity Sleep-Out

Larry Thornwell, homeless for over 20 years, shares he story with students.
Helen Woodson poses on a park bench before bed.
Donnard Fuller and Rollon Washington on Tuesday morning.

At 10 pm on Monday, April 21st a diverse group of over 50 people gathered on the steps of the Chambers building on Davidson College's campus. Nearly 20 of the group were homeless. If they were not on those steps that night, that would be in a homeless camp or the emergency winter shelter in Charlotte. Instead, they were gathered with 30+ students to share the stories of their lives.

Students with the group "Engage for Change" had organized a "solidarity sleep-out." Instead of a homeless simulation, the event was meant to bring together college students with members of the homeless community for meaningful conversation.

After introduction, the group split into small clusters in which 2-3 homeless individuals shared their stories with the students and gave the students an opportunity to ask questions. After over an hour of conversation, the group enjoyed a game of Apples to Apples (the best game ever), coffee, more conversation, and some rest on the grass of Chambers lawn.

At daybreak, the Charlotte group ventured back to the City, encouraged by the hospitality of the students. Said one participant Donnard Fuller, "I made a decision today to put my trust in the next generation."

A big thanks to Rachel Richardson and Mejin Leechor for organizing the event.


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