A Victory for Safety!
A new crossing light is going up - thanks to the work of HHH and Trinity Episcipol Third Graders.
During their walks to the Urban Ministry Center, the children and teachers had noticed the danger of a particular intersection. The intersection of 11th St. and College, two blocks from the Urban Ministry Center, has traffic from two different streets, including a 277 off-ramp. Without a crossing signal and with the speed of traffic, walking across 11th St. is risky. Despite this risk, scores of homeless individuals make the trek each day to get to the soup kitchen and other services at the Urban Ministry Center.
Recognizing the danger, the 3rds graders chose to use their writing skills last month to advocate for a crossing signal. The students came to the Center and HHH members led them through the reading of the creed. Then HHH members assisted them in their letter-writing campaign.
Recognizing the danger, the 3rds graders chose to use their writing skills last month to advocate for a crossing signal. The students came to the Center and HHH members led them through the reading of the creed. Then HHH members assisted them in their letter-writing campaign.
The letters are decorated with pictures, grammatical errors and the students’ concern for the homeless. One student wrote, “May you please with a cherry on top put a crosslite on College Street on 11th Street?”
The crosslight was installed today and should be working by tomorrow.
Thank you, Trinity!
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