Saturday, February 14, 2009

HHH Leadership Team Goes on Retreat

Nine members of the HHH leadership team took off to Davidson, NC for two days of planning. The time was both renewing for relationships within the group and quite productive. The team developed an advocacy agenda for 2009 and a solid set of 2009 goals. Look out for a future blog entry to introduce these items (they are awaiting approval from the larger group).

Davidson College Presbyterian Church graciously hosted the group, providing accomodations and meals. A local DJ, who himself was once homeless, donated his time and on Thursday night, the group was treated to their own dance party. A big thanks to Kathy Beach-Verhey, Richie King, Shelly Hoffman, Karen Soos, Rachel Richardson, adn Tyrone for the meals and accomodations.

And thanks to retreat leader "Angelic" Angie Forde and participants "Beautiful" Bobby Gaffney, "Chipper" Charles Ely, "Dynamic" Dawoud Assad, "Joyful" Jerry Gray, "Magnificent" Michael Norton, "Ready" Robert Munn, and "Rolling" Rollon. See below for some great shots:


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

For moments each night, if I am fortunate, I sleep not as homeless in the street, but with warmth and friendship thanks to Room at the Inn. Here is a program that would allow the homeless to be housed and fed for the night in local churches. I appreciate the program and speak that if affords me comfortable and respectable lodgings.

I have enjoyed the hospitality of each church 6 times since becoming homeless. I recall 3 where the food was so good that I worried about weight gain shortly. I recall 2 others, for the uniqueness of a type of friendship without stereotyping, hesitancy or silent fears that developed within me strength to face the next day with my focus more towards productivity than survival.

It’s of this overwhelming sense of happiness that I am compelled to speak today.

Let me first give a much deserving shout out to young Mr. Josh Hagler, since called home to glory, for his persistence in speaking to members of Hickory Grove, United Methodist Church that they sponsor Room at the Inn. Successful after he passed away, I thank him and whisper the word ‘legacy’ that he may smile with the knowledge that he lives on.

Somewhere during the evening of very friendly host, every anxious smiles, fantastic meal, piping hot shower, Independence Day video, jokes, laughs and sharing a smoke brake, came the calm of peace that begins within and explodes outward with happiness to all things. Creativity is born here, I am sure. Each of the two times that this has occurred, I was transformed from homeless to someone with a misfortune. It would be as if I face a snarling lion that suddenly turned over in anticipation of a belly rub. Each time, the weight of my problem dissipated and I was allowed to focus on organizing my thoughts towards the fix, as apposed to distraught for the day.

I longer view the world from ground level, where each may look down on me. I view the world from ground zero, where each may view my launch.

Consider that I can not fail from this position and even that I currently reside at the same place where Jesus slept.

I thank you all, who volunteer yourselves for this program. I would think that with each person you help, the spark would come from a slightly different mix of people and events. Therein lay the magic of each moment that you reach out. You have given me fortitude, I am sure that I must not be alone in this.

No Name Given


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