HHH Year in Review
2008-What a year it has been! Looking back, there is much HHH has to be proud of. Thanks for everyone who has helped us make the following accomplishments....
Advocacy – working to influence elected officials through the democratic process
- Met with officials of Board of Elections & developed plans to ensure homeless neighbors not deprived of voting rights
- Registered over 40 homeless people to vote, many for their first time to vote
- Brought 17 people to early voting for the primary and over 35 for the election
- Hosted well attended Candidates’ Forum for those running for County Commission
- Hosted board of elections staff and a practice voting machine at the Urban Ministry Center, to allow individuals to practice how to vote
- Hosted Philip Mangano, head of the Interagency Council on Homelessness, from Washington, DC & over 100 others to publicize 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness
- Met with CATS CEO, Keith Parker, to develop partnership & ensure voices of homeless citizens are heard in transportation planning.
- Liz Clasen & Dawoud Assad spoke at CATS community discussion of proposed fare hikes.
- Got trash can & shelter installed at Urban Ministry Center bus stop.
- Addressed meetings of City Council and County Commissioners, resulting in:
o adoption by both bodies of Charlotte Community 10-year plan to end homelessness
o recognition by both bodies of nearly 40 homeless people who died this year
o demonstration of community support for more affordable housing bonds (City Council) - Hosted City Councilors Edwin Peacock, Susan Burgess and Anthony Foxx, and County Commissioners Jennifer Roberts and George Dunlap at HHH meetings
- 12 HHH members participated in the Annual Conference of the National Alliance to End Homelessness in Washington, D.C. Commissioner Jennifer Roberts advised Team on effective lobbying. Liz Clasen, Tommy Yarborough and Rob Weigle led a very well-received workshop.
- HHH members Liz Clasen and Rob Weigle appointed state captains for NC at National Alliance to End Homelessness.
- Liz Clasen appointed by City Council to Charlotte’s Housing Trust Fund.
Community Partnership – working with community groups to change the stereotypical views surrounding homelessness
- Accomplishments:
HHH Honored at Keep Mecklenburg Beautiful lunch for our clean-up efforts (2nd award - Continued Community cleanup – more than 2,000 bags of trash collected
- Participated in “Solidarity Sleep Out” at Davidson College
- Hosted Sister Mary Scullion, founder of Project H.O.M.E in Philadelphia, PA, for a lunch and discussion.
- Official “Adopt-a-Street” signs are up (HHH adopted N. Tryon Street)!
- Hosted 1st Homeless Softball League Tournament; more than 100 people participated; won by the Uptown Men’s Shelter
- Participated in Point-In-Time Count of Charlotte’s Homeless population - this count is used in obtaining funding.
- Hosted 11 Washington & Lee Students; also paid return visit to Washington & Lee University
- Participated in Annual Peace Service organized by Mecklenburg Ministries
- Hosted 2nd Annual Community Dance – raised $3,000
- With Public Library, hosted Book Club & Resume Writing Sessio
- Worked with Community Groups to address concerns about feeding at The Wall
- Participated in Homelessness Awareness March – Team HHH raised $150
- Led Candlelight vigil for homeless who died during year - more than 100 attended
- Hosted 3rd grade classes from Trinity Episcopal School; assisted with successful letter writing campaign to install crossing light at 11th and College
- 1 member completed Public Access TV training; highlighted HHH as guest on TV-21 talk show
- 5 HHH members participated in WGIV-AM morning talk show hosted by George Dunlap
Fundraising – working to enable us to participate in national and regional conferences
Penny drive (Mother Betty) - $60
Can Drive (Rollon Washington) - $150
2nd Annual Community Dance - $3,000
Homelessness Awareness Walk - $150